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7 Sisters – An Affordable and the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad

7 Sisters is undoubtedly the most affordable and one of the best Asian restaurants in Hyderabad. You may wonder who the 7 sisters are. 7 Northeastern states of India are popularly known as the seven sisters. Here in this restaurant, you can find the best cuisines from these seven states. Craving for some Japanese sushi or some Korean Kimchi, or maybe some Thai tom yum, this elegant cafe at Banjara Hills has something for every gastronome.


The Ambience

the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad
Blue walls

It is about one Km from the GVK mall and can be easily accessible by any mode of transport. A narrow road uphill will take you to the main entrance and you need to climb the stairs to the first floor. The walls of the stairs are in light cool colors and decorated with many plants. The stairs will lead you to a well-decorated outdoor eating arrangement with beautifully arranged lanterns and faux plants dangling from the ceiling. Shades of ocean blue colored walls make it more relaxing.

7 Sisters
The outdoor setting

The entire place is not just famous for its food, but also for its Instagram-worthy ambiance.

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Now let’s sit down and order…

On our first visit to 7 Sisters Cafe, we ordered Korean Kimchi Ramen, Jhol Momos, Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi, and Boba tea.

the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad
The Menu

Please don’t panic.. We will break this down. But before that, some of the most ordered dishes here are Bao Buns, Khao Suey, and Jhol momos. You can check their Instagram or google Maps pages to know more about it.

I will visit here again to try more and I will update it here once it is done.

Korean Kimchi Ramen

the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad
Korean Kimchi Ramen

One sip of this Ramen bowl and I fell in love with this amazing dish. And with each bite, I fell in love all over again and again. That was just amazing. 

Korean Kimchi Ramen is a Ramen bowl made with Kimchi, noodles, veggies, veg/meat/seafood of your choice, and soup.

Now..what is Kimchi?

Kimchi is a staple food of Korea and is made of fermented vegetables. Mostly Cabbage and Radish are used for making Kimchi. Traditionally Kimchi is made of a wide variety of vegetables, chilies, garlic, pepper, etc to give a wide range of flavors. 

Korean Kimchi Ramen
Worth the bite

The Dominant taste of Kimchi is sour due to fermentation. Based on the ingredients it tastes spicy and a little sweet as well.

So as Kimchi is the main ingredient in this ramen bowl, you will get that spicy-sour taste with a little tint of sweetness. It’s all a perfect combination and you will definitely visit here for more.

For those who are not familiar with Ramen, it is a traditional Japanese noodle soup. Mainly of wheat noodles served in a  meat/veg/fish-based broth. 

Jhol Momos

It is very famous in Kathmandu. Simply momos downed in thick gravy or chutney. Jhol sauce is nothing but tomato-based chutney or peanut-based sauce. The sauce is then poured into the momos and hence gets the name Jhol Momos.

Jhol Momos
Jhol Momos

For this amazing dish, you don’t need to visit Nepal or WB, you can have it at its peak authenticity here in 7 sisters. Make sure to pour the chutney/sauce into the momos pate and let it drown in the sauce. 

Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi

There are four words for this fish. Let’s make it easier before going into the taste part.

Yasai means vegetables in the Japanese language.

Tempura means fish or vegetables dipped in batter and fried. Just like our pakode.

Uramaki is a type of Sushi making style and it is loosely translated as “inside out”.  

So Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi means ‘Sushi made of fried vegetables in Uramaki style’.

the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad
Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi

Maki and Uramaki are two of the many ways of making Sushi. In maki, common practice is to roll the seaweed on the outside, and in Uramaki, you will find the seaweed rolled inside. Hence “Inside Out”

This delicious dish is commonly served with a dark sour sauce. It gives a  combination of crunchy and crispness to your mouth. The fried veggies give that crispy texture. It is mildly sweet. In fact, you can actually grasp the flavors of all the ingredients. 

Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi
Yasai Tempura Uramaki Sushi

Boba tea

Boba tea or Bubble tea is a Taiwanese drink and nowadays it is getting popular in many of the cafes here. 

the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad
Bubble Tea / Boba Tea

You can choose from the available flavors like peach, blueberry, matcha, etc. When you order this refreshing drink, you may notice the dark peanut-sized balls in the bottom of your glass. It’s called the Boba pearls and it is the most important ingredient of bubble tea. Boba pearls are made from tapioca starch. It is available online and if you want to make it from scratch, I have shared the recipe below.

Tapioca is not so familiar in most parts of India. For me,  as I am from Kerala, Tapioca or cassava is our staple food just like potatoes in other parts of India. We love boiled Tapioca with fish curry. Once it was the food of the poor as it was much cheaper than rice. Now with the tourism boom, it has become a luxury cuisine in many hotels.

Fried Ice Cream

For the dessert, we ordered the Fried Ice Cream. It reminds me of the Banana Toffee with Ice Cream that I had from the Kalsang restaurant in Dehradun. You can read about it here.

Fried Ice Cream
Fried Ice Cream

Dip the frozen scoop of ice cream in with bread or batter. It is then deep-fry. Outside will be warm with a crispy crust. Inside its still cold ice cream. A few drops of chocolate sauce over the top and it’s all ready to serve.


Boba tea



  • 3/4 cup Tapioca Flour
  • 1/3 cup Water
  • 1/4 cup Brown Sugar


  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 cup Water


  • 2 cups Water
  • 6 Bags Tea Bags


  • 2 tbsp half and a half ( Milk + Cream)
  • 3 tbsp Condensed Milk


  • Add about ⅓ cup of boba pearls and brown sugar syrup to the bottom of each glass.
  • Top it up with some ice cubes.
  • Add ½ cup of black tea and 3 tablespoons of the milk mixture.
  • Stir with a wide-opening straw, and the boba tea is ready to enjoy.

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the best Asian Restaurants in Hyderabad

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